Kevin Jones: the making of a tender warrior

He was a workaholic, playaholic and coachaholic - always on the go. His family and God were never high on his priority list. Semi-pro soccer player and award winning coach, Kevin Jones, gave no thought to his misguided priorities . . . until God gave him a wake-up call that would change his life forever.

Discover how this sports fanatic faced the biggest challenge one can face in life . . . a deadly disease that took away the very muscles he gloried in. As he learned to trust God, Kevin experienced a total transformation and became a man with a heart of compassion and a spirit of tenacity – a tender warrior – who would not give up no matter the circumstance.

For nearly four years, camera crews follow Kevin on an incredible journey of faith, perseverance, and victory. Experience along with him the devastating effects of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), but observe first-hand the powerful testimony that as his body deteriorates, his spirit becomes stronger, inspiring thousands with his positive attitude.